1877 Club – Pop-Up Dining Experience

1877 Club – Pop-Up Dining Experience

Inspired by the triumph of Spencer Gore in the All England Championships of 1877, a unique dining experience has been created for guests at Harrow School this Spring Bank Holiday. The event starts on 25th May in the Old Harrovian Room, and runs all week at the school where Spencer Gore himself was a pupil. Filled with history and famous names, Harrow School is the place to experience quintessential British taste, and a food menu designed by Christabels to transport you to the tennis court on a summer’s day.

Pop on your tennis whites and join us for Afternoon Tea or Dinner this May. Play on real grass, and enjoy a glass of Pol Roger Champagne, which was also enjoyed by Winston Churchill, another famous Harrovian! Tickets are available here – www.1877club.co.uk